Getting Involved

There are several ways you can be part of what we do here at Mother Theresa Children’s Home. You can volunteer your time, make a donation and sponsor children. Please join us to share in the blessing in this worthwhile work. 

You can always come visit the children of Mother Theresa Children’s Home, your time with the children can be spent doing homework, telling stories or simply playing around. The children always welcome visitors with open hands and open hearts

You can get involved by making a donation towards the upkeep and education of the children; Your donations monitor; Medicine, Salaries, Food, and any other kind gestures is never too small.  

Account Name: Mother Theresa Children’s Home 

Zenith Bank account: 1011877739  

GT Bank: 0024804713 

You can choose to celebrate your or a loved ones’ special days with the kids at MTCH 

You can choose to sponsor a child’s upkeep and/or education partially or totally as you so desire.

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